


Tehrik-e-Shaor Insaniyat Student Organization

The Movement for Humanism  

Welcome To


“Tehrik-e-Shaor Insaniyat Student Organization


 The Movement for Humanism”



Tehrik-e-Shaor Insaniyat Student Organization is a student branch of

"Tehrike Shaor Insaniyat Alami Party"





New World Order



This monogram show equality and unity

in the seven classes, mentioned in

class distinction in the book of

“Destiny of the Nations”



Stars given with stick of flag from white to

black shows class distinction, white

is richness, black is poorness,

and the above seven stars whitening

in a same row shows that every class is getting

equal goods and services.   




“New World Order”

This is a new school of thought offered by Mr Mahmood Khan Utumankhail, wherein for the practical practices of this school of thought a new Global movement namely “The Movement for Humanism” has started, in which every human is indiscriminately welcomed to participate. As in the perspective of individuality every man has individual status therefore every individual ought to fulfill their individual responsibilities, and play their role for the elimination of social evils and fulfillment of living needs.






A new Philosophy of Life

This is a new abbreviated word that means realism, where C is the abbreviation of Creator (This is fact that universe have an existence but this is logic that there is one who created the universe), U is the abbreviation of Universe (being the most eminent human can claim universe as his joint property), O is the abbreviation of Order ( if there is a creator of the universe then there will be too his Order of motion) , and S is the abbreviation of Submission (being realistic human must obey what is being order by his creator) and ism mean extreme of belief / doctrine. Hence this theory representing as a new world order is given a name CUOSISM.